Yiddish Songs of the Gaslight Era: A Sampling of Sheet Music for Broadsides Sold by Peddlers on the Lower East Side By Jane Peppler

Sale price$ 11.95
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
May 25, 2016


Thirty-nine Yiddish songs with the beautiful period sheet music cover art, with melodies and chords for piano, guitar, etc. and with transliterations and translations. These songs were popular among the Jews of Manhattan's Lower East Side around the turn of the 20th century and were found in box of songsheets (sold by street peddlers) at Hebrew Union College.


23 Skidoo
Al tashlikheynu
Der Amerikaner seder
Dem arbeters lid
Biznes in Amerike
Briderlekh arbeter
Donki monki biznes
Es geyt mir iber dos harts
A froy in mayn shikzal iz shuldig
Got zet ales tsu un shvaygt
Dos greste yam umglik mit der shif Titanik
Ikh hob nisht keyn tsayt
Ikh un mayn sheyne mishpokhe
Ip ay eri ay ey ay ey
Keyn nar zol men nit zayn
Khaveyrim khazeyrim
Kinder mageyfe
Kol Yisroel khaveyrim
Mayn vaybl Sorele
Mendel Beilis bafrayung
Dos mezuzele
Di missus mit di finf boarders
Moyshe Rabeynu
Di New Yorker trern
Reb Yidl gib gelt
Rusland bafrayt
Di terkishe bulgarishe milkhome
Tsvey gute brider
Ven men ruft dikh tsurik
Vert a border
Vi gefelt aykh mayn plan?
Vos hot men tsu mir?
Yaki dula
Di yesoymim
Di Yidishe hofenung
Di zi
Di zig fun di klokmeykers
Zumer baynakht af di rufn



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