The Passover Mouse by Joy Nelkin Wieder

Sale price$ 15.99
Doubleday Books for Young Readers
January 28, 2020


Readers 5 years and older

In this charming and witty Passover story about kindness, community, tradition, and forgiveness, a little mouse disrupts a town’s preparations for the holiday when it steals a piece of leavened bread—or chometz—just as all the houses have been swept clean in time for the holiday.

It’s the morning before the start of Passover, and all the villagers have swept their homes clean of leavened bread, in keeping with the traditions of the holiday. Suddenly, a small mouse steals a piece of bread and tears through the town, spoiling everyone’s hard work. But just when it seems as if the townsfolk will never be ready for their Seder, the little mouse’s actions unwittingly bring everyone together, to work as a group to save the holiday.

Jewish families at Passover will embrace this rollicking, funny, and ultimately inspiring story—based on an original tale from the Talmud—that weaves together the themes of community, kindness, charity, and forgiveness. It’s sure to become a modern holiday classic that’s shared year after year among the generations.

Hardcover book 2020

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