Regina Persisted: An Untold Story by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

Sale price$ 17.95
Apples & Honey Press
October 1, 2018


Young readers age 3 to 10.

From a young age, Regina Jonas loved to read stories from the Bible. She loved to read Hebrew. She wanted to be a rabbi.

There had never been a woman rabbi before, and some people said, 'You should learn to cook and sew like the other girls.' But Regina persisted.

They said, 'Don't make trouble.' But Regina persisted.

They said, 'Women are not smart enough.' Regina heard, but still she persisted.

Finally, in 1935, Regina Jonas became the first woman ever ordained as a rabbi. Her story inspires us to pursue our dreams and to persist even in the face of great challenges.

Hardcover 2018

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