Marienbad and Beyond by Dovid Leitner

Sale price$ 27.99
January 1, 2021


Marienbad & Beyond is a fascinating story of courage and survival with an eighty year travel around the world. Starting in Marienbad, the resort where Orthodox Jewry enjoyed their annual vacations.


A Picture Gallery of Marienbad.

Over a dozen personal letters from Reb Aaron of Belz.

The world organisation of Agudas Yisroel hosted its 3rd Kenessia conference in Marienbad with over 7000 delegates. A fascinating description of the program is included.

Correspondence and a personal visit from Reb Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov.

A report of the Chofetz Chaim’s speech at the Kenessioh 1923.

Crossing the Polish Border with Eliyohu Hanovi.

And much more...

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