Itzik and Mickey: Stories from Brooklyn and Beyond by Irving Martin Glasser and Myron Peretz Glazer

Sale price$ 14.50
January 1, 2014


This collection of twenty-four stories, essays, and vignettes captures the experiences of two brothers who grew up in Brooklyn a decade apart. Irving (Itzik) Glasser (1925-1994) reveals the bittersweet experiences of growing up during the Great Depression. His younger brother, Myron (Mickey) Glazer, focuses more on the World War II and post-war years as he describes the similarities and differences in their childhood and adolescence. The brothers focus on family, work, and poverty, but also on their radio heroes, their love of sports, and the features of the city that made life in Brooklyn and beyond a treasure of humor and poignancy. As Mickey writes in the Preface, “The stories in this collection are a constant reminder of struggles and obstacles in our lives. But there are equally potent themes of courage and caring. Life in the special culture of Brooklyn of the 1930s and 40s is long gone, but the legacy of those days lives on. Even today, I remember my brother’s voice, reminding me that there is humor to be found in every situation. This is a legacy to be cherished and nourished, because with humor there is also hope.”

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